Extension: ppt

What is it? PowerPoint Presentation File

Where’s it from? Microsoft PowerPoint graphics presentation program. Many “entertaining” ppt files are passed around via email. Virtually identical to the Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow format (pps). In fact, you can rename a pps file to a ppt file and vice versa, and it will still play. The difference is that when you double-click on a ppt file it opens in PowerPoint’s editing mode, while a pps file opens in slideshow mode and begins playing.

How do I use it? Microsoft Office; Windows (free): OpenOffice; Web-based: Zoho.

Can I safely delete or move it? Yes.

Can it be dangerous? Yes. Use antivirus software, especially on email attachments

— David Hakala

Open Office 2007 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Files With Office 2003 Versions

in applications
Thumbnail image for Open Office 2007 Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Files With Office 2003 Versions

With many PC users having switched to Windows Vista, while others stick with Microsoft’s previous operating system, Windows XP, some Microsoft Office files are getting lost in translation. It is possible to open Office 2007 Word, Excel and PowerPoint files (including Word files with the .docx extension) with Office 2003, but the formatting may change.

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How Can I Read Office (Word, Excel, etc.) Files without Buying Expensive Office?

in applications

If Microsoft Office is out of your budget, or has more features than you need, consider free Open Office, which will let you view and edit most word processing documents and spreadsheets. If you don’t need to change the files, just download a file viewing program.

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Microsoft Outlook Email Corruption Hazard When Exceeding 2GB

in computer performance

Exceeding 2GB in Microsoft Outlook could cause your email to be corrupted and lost. Here’s how to reduce the size of your email box, back up your Outlook email and avoid the problem altogether.

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Recent Documents List Doesn’t Appear in Microsoft Word, Excel, Etc.

in Windows

Being able to view a list of recently opened documents in Microsoft Office is handy, but when the list doesn’t show up, you can reactivate it by editing the registry.

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